Argos Dollars for Scholars (ADFS) will sponsor the Scholar Sprint. The Scholar Sprint consists of a 5K, 10K and one mile fun run during the Argos Summer Kickoff Festival in June.   ADFS is extremely excited for this unique opportunity to support the Argos Community and most importantly to assist Argos Dollars for Scholars in raising funds for scholarships. You are receiving this letter asking for your sponsorship of this special event.  It truly is a unique opportunity to support a community, and most importantly to support a not for profit organization which opens doors for students to access secondary education.

Argos Dollars for Scholars is asking you to partner with us as a Corporate/Personal sponsor for this event.  

ADFS greatly appreciates your consideration and donation to make this event possible. All monies raised are used to provide scholarships to graduating Argos Seniors that wish to pursue a secondary education.    

Argos Dollars for Scholars is a not-for-profit organization and your contribution is tax deductible.

You may contact me at 574.930.1402 or by e-mail at: